From Trauma to Peace - The Story of a First Responder
As the father thrust his baby girl into the first responder's arms, the tiny child looked up at the police officer and took her last breath. This would be the scenario that would haunt this young police officer for many years. There would be anguished flashbacks of panic stricken parents, loads of guilt and a misplaced sense of responsibility for not being able to keep this little one alive. Even after the autopsy and realization that not even the most trained physician could have saved the infant's life the irrational sense of guilt and responsibility weighed heavy, but Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) isn't rational. It's a result of the pain and horror that comes with living through something traumatic. My job as a wellness practitioner is to release painful experiences from the body and mind. What I didn't expect when my client walked into my office looking for help with PTSD, was that this session would have a profound effect on me. As we released layers of pain and trauma using a powerful method of healing called EFT, my client's perspective began to shift. Now when she recalled the experience that was burned into her mind, she no longer felt the chaos and panic of the moment. Instead she recalled the look of peace on the baby's face as she looked up to take her last breath. For the very first time this police officer saw the entire scene from the infant's perspective. She realized that when the baby was thrust into her arms it granted the little one some respite from the fear, panic and intense emotions of those who loved her most but weren't able to help. Unbeknownst to the first responder, her job in that moment wasn't to save the life of this little girl, it was to offer a peaceful passage as her physical form left this life. I can't describe what it was like to share in this epiphany when my client realized that she had given a precious gift. She was finally able to accept the teddy bear the parents had given her as a token of thanks for the gift she had given. Helping doesn't always mean saving. It's wonderful when CPR resurrects someone from the dead but sometimes just the effort of doing everything you're able to do in that dreaded moment is the healing needed. One of my good friends is a paramedic. We have spoken at length about those patients who live against all odds, and paradoxically, those who die for no rational reason. It doesn't always make sense when we look at these things from a human perspective but from a spiritual perspective, everything happens for a reason. Post Traumatic Stress is a reality for anyone who works in emergency services. First responders knowingly sacrifice their well being to assist others in the moments that count. I can't express my gratitude for the jobs they do and I want them to know that they don't have to experience these traumas over and over again. There are methods of healing to help remove the experiences that linger and we can also reframe what healing means. Sometimes healing is simply holding the space for someone to transition. The fact that a trained professional is there doing what they can is the comfort and support that is needed. Situations don't always turn out like we hope but it doesn't mean the gift of healing wasn't given. To learn more about EFT, go to: