Empaths: Evidence of Our Spiritual Evolution
Does Being an Empath Have to Be Difficult? There are many articles written about empaths but unfortunately most of the literature only...

Living With Purpose, Impact & Joy: A Healing Balm for a Hurting Planet
What Is Your Purpose In Life? Many of us feel like we're missing something when it comes to figuring out what our vocation is in life. We...

Law of Attraction: Opening Our Hearts to Joy, Ease & Connection
Is the Law of Attraction Just a Trendy Idea? We are led to believe that the law of attraction can be as simple as writing oneself a...

Shining a Light on Post Traumatic Stress
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a real issue for millions of people in Canada and the United States and quite literally, robs...

From Trauma to Peace - The Story of a First Responder
As the father thrust his baby girl into the first responder's arms, the tiny child looked up at the police officer and took her last...

The Deeper Meaning to Weight Issues
More often than not, weight gain isn't just a physiological issue. The reasons why we overeat, indulge in foods that aren't good for us...

7 Ways that Becoming a Reiki Practitioner Has Changed My Life
1. Ability to Heal Others It’s absolutely amazing that I can encourage healing anywhere at any time. It feels incredible getting on a...

Healing Through Connection
Every Thursday a small group of women came together at Beyond Body Holistic Wellness to participate in a workshop called, Her Adventurous...

6 Ways We Give Our Power Away
When we give our power away we end up feeling exhausted, unhappy, resentful and often times we have no idea why or where to even start to...
Tapping on Anxiety
This short video by wellness practitioner, Dawn Kress, shows you how to de-stress and reduce anxiety using the Emotional Freedom...