Choosing a Healer Is an Important Decision
In the world of alternative therapy there are so many options to choose from when it comes to energy workers. There is a vast array of...
4 Ways Empaths Give Their Power Away
Empaths are sensitive to the energy around them. Anyone who has ever taken one of my classes, or understands basic science, knows that...
Demystifying Your Life Purpose
Your Brain Isn't the Right Organ to Guide You to Your Purpose Many years ago I was working at a soul sucking job feeling completely...
7 Ways that Becoming a Reiki Practitioner Has Changed My Life
1. Ability to Heal Others It’s absolutely amazing that I can encourage healing anywhere at any time. It feels incredible getting on a...
Finding the Right Reiki Training
Every now and then someone asks me to refer a good Reiki Master in another area. While I don’t always know of a specific individual that...
Benefits of Reiki
Listen to Reiki Master, Dawn Kress, speak about the benefits of receiving a Reiki treatment. Dawn teaches Reiki workshops and works at...