Working the Frontline: Bringing Light to PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is finally being acknowledged and talked about but we still have a long way to go to alleviate the...

4 Ways Empaths Give Their Power Away
Empaths are sensitive to the energy around them. Anyone who has ever taken one of my classes, or understands basic science, knows that...

Shining a Light on Post Traumatic Stress
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a real issue for millions of people in Canada and the United States and quite literally, robs...

From Trauma to Peace - The Story of a First Responder
As the father thrust his baby girl into the first responder's arms, the tiny child looked up at the police officer and took her last...

Healing Through Connection
Every Thursday a small group of women came together at Beyond Body Holistic Wellness to participate in a workshop called, Her Adventurous...